Hospital Course of Care This patient was only recently transferred after a recurrent GI bleed as described below. He presented to the ER today c/o a dark stool yesterday but a normal brown stool today. On exam he was hypotensive in the 80s resolved after .... .... .... Lab at discharge: Glucose 112, BUN 16, creatinine 1.1, electrolytes normal. H. pylori antibody pending. Admission hematocrit 16%, discharge hematocrit 29%. WBC 7300, platelet count 256,000. Urinalysis normal. Urine culture: No growth. INR 1.1, PTT 40. He was transfused with 6 units of packed red blood cells with .... .... .... GI evaluation 12 September: Colonoscopy showed single red clot in .... .... ....